After weeks of having too little to write about, I find myself with almost too much to write about. For starters, banding has finally picked up at the lab – our total has doubled since last week. We haven’t caught a large number of any one species in particular, but we have caught consistent numbers of a wide variety of species including, yellow warblers, Tennessee warblers, American redstart, myrtle warblers, blackpoll warblers and ovenbirds. Although improved banding totals are great, the thing I truly have too much to write about is our annual Baillie Birdathon that took place on May 22. The premise for the Birdathon is simple: birders collect donations and then go out and try to identify as many species as they can in a 24 hour period. Normally we simply try to beat our previous year’s total, but this year we challenged Ken Orich (an LSLBO member living in Lethbridge) to an epic north versus south birding battle royale; Ken accepted the challenge and recruited the help of Slave Laker Wayne Bowles… But I wrote about all that a couple weeks ago. What I’m sure everyone really wants to read about is the results! Ken and Wayne called themselves Team Thrasher, and they started their day off early; at 3:55 a.m. they hit the road so they could be at a primo spot at sunrise. Team Bander Awesomeness (TBA) started their day at the banding lab, starting the tally right at sunrise. It was as if the observatory knew it had been letting us down all spring and wanted to make it up to us; birds were singing and migrating heavily right from first light and the nets were catching some fantastic birds. One such bird was a veery – only the seventh one ever captured at the LSLBO. We also caught a white-crowned sparrow, a species that should have left the area weeks ago. Then on top of all that a Baltimore oriole, a species we only see a couple of each year, landed right in the parking lot! We were feeling really good about ourselves, and then we got a text from Team Thrasher that they had seen 39 species at just their first location. After finishing up at the lab we headed up Marten Mountain to find our junco, golden-crowned kinglet, and magnolia warbler. While enjoying a mountain picnic, we got the news that Team Thrasher had pulled ahead, it was 80 to 74. Reenergized by both food and the spirit of competition we commenced the pond-hopping-for-ducks stage of our Birdathon! The waterfowl kind of let us down and feeling a little discouraged we went inside for the first time all day to eat some supper and call the thrashers for an update. Lo and behold, we were actually ahead, 101 to 97! After that we found another two species before sunset. Before going to bed, I got their number: 104 to our 103. Our only hope was that something new would sing before sunrise the next morning. Thank you, hermit thrush, bird 104 for the tie! Later, while reviewing our tally we realized we miscounted, we actually had 105! We won! In the end though, the real winner was the birds; we had a ton of fun, but we also raised money for bird research and conservation. Thank you so much to everyone who donated. If you would like to donate as a congratulations or consolations to either team you still can. Simply email me at for more information.
Weekly Banding Reports
- September 26 – October 3, 2024
- September 19 – 25, 2024
- September 12 – 18, 2024
- September 5 – 11, 2024
- August 29 – September 4, 2024
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1 week ago
The 2024 LSLBO ANNUAL REPORT is ready with all the highlights from last season including:
- Over 136,000 birds recorded during migration monitoring
- 3896 birds banded in 2024 from 76 species
- 2 new species added to our station checklist: #242 Willet and #243 Western Kingbird
- New species diversity record set during fall migration with 69 species banded![]()
For a complete wrap-up of the 2024 season, check out the 2024 LSLBO Annual Report on our website.![]()
And of course we want to especially recognize and thank all of our funders, in-kind supporters, members, volunteers, staff, and program partners for all of your support for our programs including:
Alberta Conservation Association, Vanderwell, TC Energy, Forest Improvement Association of Alberta, West Fraser Timber, Tolko Industries, Canada Summer Jobs Program, Environment and Climate Change, Northwestern Alberta Foundation, Atco, Millar Western, Town of Slave Lake FCSS, MD of Lesser Slave River, Lesser Slave Watershed Council, Lesser Slave Forest Education Society, and Alberta Parks
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Lesser Slave Lake Bird Observatory
updated their status.
2 weeks ago
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When this happens, it's usually because the owner only shared it with a small group of people, changed who can see it or it's been deleted.4 weeks ago
Reminder to our members!
4:00 pm. January 28, 2025
Location: Boreal Centre for Bird Conservation.
Members of the Lesser Slave Lake Bird Observatory Society have been invited to attend our upcoming Annual General Meeting on Tuesday, January 28th, 2025 at the Boreal Centre for Bird Conservation. Members will also be able to attend the AGM virtually via ZOOM if they have pre-registered for the meeting. ![]()
PLEASE RSVP to Patti Campsall, LSLBO Executive Director via email at or you can also phone 780-849-8240. ![]()
Interested in becoming more involved in the LSLBO or joining our Board of Directors? Please contact Patti Campsall to find out all the ways you can help support our programs!
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