Are you interested in bird watching in the Slave Lake area but aren’t sure which species you might see? Then download and print off the LSLBO species checklist! This checklist includes the 252 bird species that have been seen at least once at the LSLBO following the taxonomic order and nomenclature presented by the American Ornithologists’ Union’s checklist.
Do you want to dive deeper and know what time of year you might spot different bird species at the LSLBO and how common they are in this area? Check out our Where and When Bird Checklist!
When and Where Bird Checklist 2023
We share our census observations of every Wednesday of migration monitoring to eBird, which has greatly improved the reliability of the eBird dataset for our site, but only during the periods we are actively monitoring. To share your checklist with others and to help us expand our hotspot data beyond the migratory seasons, you can go to the eBird website and input your observations. Scientists, land managers, ornithologists, and conservation biologists can then use your data from eBird for a multitude of large scale studies.