The Great Canadian Birdathon is one of the oldest sponsored bird counts in North America, raising money for bird research and conservation. The challenge that keeps participants coming back year after year is to identify as many bird species as possible within a 24-hour period, during the month of May. The money raised benefits Bird Studies Canada and participating migration monitoring stations and conservation organizations (designated by participants to receive a portion of funds raised).
More than 7,000 people from across Canada participate in and/or sponsor the Birdathon in May of every year. During a 24-hour period in May, they attempt to find as many bird species as they can. Birders can designate a favourite conservation organization to receive a portion of the funds they raise. As a member of the Canadian Migration Monitoring Network, bird observatories (such as the Lesser Slave Lake Bird Observatory) can also be designated as recipients of fund raising. For more information, visit the Great Canadian Birdathon page
Each May, the banders and members of the LSLBO take part in the birdathon for some friendly competition to fundrais for our society. For more information on how to support our LSLBO’s Birdathon Teams, contact us at

Red-necked Grebe